TargetTrack is our latest and most full-featured radio direction finder (RDF) software. We designed it around our new DDF7000 series RDFs. However, it works with our legacy DDF6000 series systems as well. TargetTrack satisfies the needs of Signal and Communications Intelligence professionals by providing audio recording, evidentiary data, archival data, and the opportunity for post-collection analysis of bearing data.
TargetTrack functions with fixed site or mobile radio direction finders. You can use it with a stand-alone portable RDF. It can also network multiple direction finders on a Ethernet network or via radio modems. The location of each RDF is shown on a map. When a signal breaks squelch, TargetTrack records the audio and collects and displays the bearings. If multiple direction finders are networked it will display the estimated location and a 95% certainty ellipse about the target location. When the transmission ceases, TargetTrack waits a given period of time. Then it saves the recorded audio and bearing data into an SQL database. The user can tag the data using a form that has several fields for identifying the intercept. Finally, the SQL database can be searched on these tags and the data played back on the map.
Features of TargetTrack Direction Finder Software:
- Single program for both fixed and mobile operation
- Display of fixed site and mobile site locations and bearings on a single map
- Flexible networking of multiple fixed and mobile sites
- Support for USB receivers (ICOM R1500, R2500, AOR SR2200, AOR DV1 ICOM R8600, ICOM R30) as well as RS232 and CIV receivers
- Automatic Identification of multiple transmission sources (targets)
- Automatic calibration to known beacon locations
- Ability to use a number on on line mapping providers (Bing, Google, etc.)
- Maps cached for offline use (e.g. mobile)
- Audio monitoring and recording of the received signal
- Database storage of all audio and bearing data
- Forms for user entry of descriptive information about the received data
- Database is searchable allowing user to search the fields in the descriptive information
- Ability to playback previously recorded received audio and data while simultaneously collecting new data
- Ability to connect a second monitoring receiver to the software and record received signals from it
- Receiver scan and search functions allow user to monitor an entire frequency band or many individual frequencies
- Unique audio file control that allows access of received audio and data using a visual time line
- Simple set up and use
- Streamed audio over the network from the DDF7000 or connected via a sound card
- Automatic identification of DDF7000 series direction finders on a local area network
- Time synchronization of all bearing data collected on the network (requires GPS receiver at each site on the network)
- Import data from other computers into the database for data consolidation
Downloads and Demos
You can download the software from our downloads page. You can also test it using a radio direction finder site at our office. See the demos page for details.
For further information on networking fixed and mobile sites, check out our networking page.
See the following screen shot of a networked system with two fixed site direction finders and one mobile direction finder.