Geolocation Software
Geolocation requires two or more line-of-bearing measurements. These measurments can be provided by obtaining multiple measurements at different locations using a mobile direction finder or by simulataneous bearing measurements by fixed site direction finders at different locations. Doppler Systems offers two map-based geolocation software solutions for radio direction finders: TargetTrack and SignalTrack. These network fixed and mobile sites to provide the multiple bearing measurements required for geolocation. A map displays the bearing lines measured at each site. The software then calculates the most likely location of the signal source. It also calculates 95% uncertainty ellipse. This provides the user with an approximate location of the source.
Our Geolocation Software for Radio Direction Finders
TargetTrack is the most modern and full featured application. In order to record with bearing data, it requires receiver audio from at least one site. You can stream audio directly from the direction finder processor to the computer via the Internet or an intranet connection with our DDF7000 direction finders. If you are using our older DDF6000 series direction finders in the network, then at least one direction finder will need to be located with the computer running TargetTrack. Otherwise, another means of streaming audio from a site to the computer needs to be provided.
SignalTrack does not require an audio connection. It functions similarly to TargetTrack; however, it lacks some of the database, logging, and playback features.