FCC Selects Doppler Systems to Provide Radio Direction Finders

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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has elected to purchase 20 Doppler Systems fixed site radio direction finders. Operating from 100 – 1000 MHz, these direction finders are being used by FCC enforcement agents to locate unwanted and illegal interference.  Doppler Systems is proud to provide the FCC with our direction finders to assist in the ongoing quest to rid the spectrum of unwanted interference. We appreciate the FCC’s great team and the trust they place in our equipment and company.  We strive to provide our worldwide customers with professional quality radio direction finding equipment at competitive prices. 

Disclaimer: This disclaimer is required by Contract No. 273FCC23P0042.  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has not reviewed or approved any statement in this document for accuracy or validity.  The FCC and its employees do not endorse goods or services provided by the Contractor or any other contractor.

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